Additional Programs to Help with Your Research.
Highlighted Searches
Now when you search, you can scroll the page and easily find the term you’ve searched for. Search names, topics, verses, and any word.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents will help you find sections of articles. Over the next few weeks I will be adding headings which activate this feature. Most of the story content will remain as it is since stories don’t typical lend themselves to topic headings.
Many readers are new to some of the terms commonly used here at Christian Patriarchy, not only that, but they may be unfamiliar with many of the Bible verses mentioned. I will be filling in the gaps for these readers by building a glossary as time permits. There is already a small glossary.
Glossary Tool Tips
These tool tips allow for the viewing of definitions without scrolling. If the tool tip box gets stuck open, just click on it and then click your back button.
Seamless Translation
Now you can select from the dropdown of any page for your own language. There are 104 languages to choose from. When more are available we will add them. We can’t vouch for the accuracy of the translations but it’s the best that can be provided based on today’s A.I.
Reading Time
Now you’ll know before you begin reading an article, how many minutes it will take you to finish reading it.
Consider Donating
Even though I’m in the Philippines, it’s easy to donate.
And what would be a small donation in the US will go a long way here.
Thanks in advance! Click the Link for Six Easy Ways to Donate.